CF Community: Self Quarantine Recommended

CF Community: We are recommending an immediate, voluntary self quarantine

Our families need us right now and we need you!

Dr Richard K Mathis, our board member and a doctor in the CF Community for over 40 years, recommends all patients with cystic fibrosis institute a voluntary self quarantine period of 14 days in the home beginning immediately. People with CF are in the highest risk category and are at grave risk if infected with COVID-19. Cystic Fibrosis patients, caregivers and family members of anyone affected by cystic fibrosis, please take all precautions.

Dr Mathis goes on to say "The novel coronavirus is proven to invade, and kill the pulmonary epithelial cell in culture. The CF patient has pulmonary epithelial cells that have a number of genetic defects which impair their function. The fact that a number of acquired infections and foreign body fine particles are known to effect the pulmonary epithelial surface producing further lung damage means that the novel corona virus is potentially the greatest threat in cystic fibrosis. However, I am unaware of studies to date which prove this relationship for cystic fibrosis as of yet.

Masks that protect are not at this time readily available. In Italy, the P100 and FFP3 masks are rated more protective than the N-95 masks and used for healthcare workers. A transparent whole face guard can also be effective. Social distancing to 6 feet, hand washing, alcohol hand sanitizer and Lysol object cleaner are quite effective. Masks and gloves that health care workers wear to protect themselves are what CF patients need to employ.

Protective measures for novel corona virus are constantly evolving. The cystic fibrosis patient and their families should take advantage of all methods for the prevention of acquiring this infection."

With the newly established National Emergency declared by President Trump, we realize there are many individuals with CF and their families that may be severely physically and financially impacted. Most of the people who reach out to us for support through our Extended Hospital Stay Grant program are already living dangerously close to the poverty line. Most have only one parent who is able to work outside of the home and older CFers are living on SSDI.

Loss of work and isolation will make it very hard for these families and individuals to get the food, supplies and support they require.

Please consider donating to our "COVID-19 Emergency Fund" to help us manage this current hardship. If you know someone with Cystic Fibrosis, please consider donating at least $50 on their behalf. Let's spread the word not the virus!

This is unprecedented territory for us, we hope that the greater community gives generously so we can make funds available for families in need as quickly as possible. We will be announcing how to refer a family for assistance by March 20, 2020. Please follow us on social channels at the bottom of this email and encourage other CF members to sign up for our newsletter on our website prior to this announcement.

We are here for you!

Melissa Yeager

Executive Director

What can you do to help our community?

  1. Spread the word: Even if you're not a risk you can be a carrier. It may just be a cold for you but it could be a death sentence for someone with Cystic Fibrosis.

  2. Share our social graphics or posts.

  3. Donate to help us fortify our support programs. We anticipate a high volume of patients needing financial and emotional support during this outbreak.

Simplified Precaution List

These few simple precautions must be taken by ALL members of a CF household.
