A Message from our Chairman

Hello to our lovely Claire's Place Foundation Family,

Slowly, we are all adjusting to the challenges of the new normal. Hopefully, now, we have stocked up on toilet paper, mastered Zoom meetings, and have reached out to our loved ones.

So, now it’s time to do the real work; the work that makes you proud of your life. Now, it’s time to take action. Now it's time to move forward, to protect and support our precious community.

As many of you know, COVID-19 attacks the lungs; which let’s face it, just plain sucks for the CF community. This puts us smack dab in the middle of the folks who are at the highest risk for this virus to wrack dire consequences.

Let’s do everything in our power to shelter the most vulnerable.

We announced a new program, the Emergency COVID 19 Fund, on March 20th to provide a little grocery money to families living with CF who have a severe financial need. We had no idea how many of our CF families need help this month with keeping food on the table while waiting for unemployment, government assistance or for their jobs to resume. Well vetted requests for assistance come in faster than donations. And, believe me, you all have been so generous. Thank you. Thank YOU!

Unfortunately, we are only at the beginning of this pandemic and the requests for assistance continue to pour in. Not only do we need donations to assist with this emergency fund, we need even more donations for the extended hospital stay grant program as more CFers begin to require extended hospital stays as a result of exposure to this virus.

Normally, a charity would just do a fundraiser event, where we could not only fundraise but celebrate and honor our supporters. We had a few planned for this year but we cannot in good conscious put our community at risk by bringing folks together anytime soon. 

We are in challenging times. We have never needed our donors and supporters more. But, lucky us, we know you.

I am sure with your kindness and your generosity, we will move forward together. In what could have been our darkest days, we will all be proud of what we accomplished together.

“I’m not stuck in this belief that challenges are given to us to hold us back. I am lifted up by the belief that challenges are here to help us move forward"~ Claire Wineland, TEDxMalibu

With a heart full of gratitude,

Laura McHolm, Chairman of the Board

What you can do to help:

  1. Donate to our relief fund

  2. Find out if your employer will match your donation

  3. Start a peer to peer individual or team campaign page by visiting the link here and click the "Fundraise" button in the upper right

  4. Share about our relief fund with friends, family and on social media
