• We have a multitude of financial assistance programs to offer, such as our Extended Hospital Stay Grants, catered to individuals looking for rent and mortgage assistance. Additionally, we have the Work Proudly Program that can help CF caregivers and adult patients find flexible, mobile jobs through certificate job training and providing necessary tools. You can find more information about these two programs at Extended Hospital Stay Grants, and Work Proudly.


  • To be eligible for the Extended Hospital Stay Grants, you must demonstrate financial need and experience a hospital stay of at least 14 consecutive days within the last calendar year. Currently, we are only accepting applications for assistance with rent or mortgage payments. You can find the details on how to apply on our EHSG page. As for our Work Proudly Program, participants are identified through a Social Worker Referral which is linked on our Work Proudly page. They need a confirmed diagnosis by a hospital professional and a history of inability to support themselves through other avenues. 

  • Absolutely! We are always looking for volunteers at our signature events. If you are interested, please submit a form here on our Contact page. If you are looking to partner with us, fill out the Contact form and we'll be in touch with ways to maximize your organization's positive impact. Additionally, if you would like to start a fundraiser to help support Claire's Place, you can visit our page for a quick introduction/overview at Fundraise

  • Our Work Proudly Program (WPP) is designed to help individuals with cystic fibrosis or CF caregivers in identifying potential careers, covering the cost of certificate job training, and providing tools for remote work. For more information please visit the Work Proudly Program page. 

  • On our page we work to keep Claire's legacy alive through her Legacy Fund dedicated to continuing the work that Claire Wineland started, supporting families affected by cystic fibrosis. Donating to her Legacy Fund can help honor her memory and help many struggling with CF. Spreading the word about Claire and Claire's Place Foundation makes a large impact on raising awareness for CF. You can find more information about "Donating Your Voice" on our Spread The Word page. 


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