Moonlight Glow Ride for Cystic Fibrosis

We are doing another exciting fundraiser on November 1st here in HermMoonlight Glow Ride Logo_Whiteosa Beach but the coolest part about it is that YOU can participate from wherever you are!We started a Crowdrise Campaign that allows you to start your own fundraising team for this event even if you can't be here to RIDE with us :)3 Simple Ways to help make this an amazing fundraiser for families living with cystic fibrosis.From this Crowdrise Page, you can do any of the following to show your support!CROWDRISE - MOONLIGHT GLOW RIDE PAGE 1.  You can hit the big DONATE button to support our event from afar or...2.  Go one step further and help us fundraise by clicking the  FUNDRAISE FOR THIS CAMPAIGN button to the right. You'll get your own fundraising page to share with all your amazing family and friends.3.  If you are going to actually RIDE in our event, please click the REGISTER button!  You will be taken to our Eventbrite page...every registered rider will receive a free glow in the dark event tshirt!4.  Order a Moonlight Glow Ride, glow in the dark event t-shirt and come out and cheer us on OR wear proudly in your area to spread the word about our foundation and our programs. Shirts will be available the week before the event...You can order yours by clicking the REGISTER button to the right and visiting our Eventbrite page.