Meet Kerrigan ~ Extended Hospital Stay Grant Recipient

Meet our most recent Extended Hospital Stay grant awardees! We are so excited that the Claire's Place Foundation grant program is in full swing and benefiting amazing kids like 3-year old Kerrigan Rose and many others. IMG_2629Kerrigan got her start as a pint-sized superhero in her earliest days as a preemie in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis less than a year later, this brave tot has endured frequent and serious complications including frequent infections, pancreatic insufficiency, and digestive issues. However she has pulled through many difficult hospitalizations with courage, grace, and an irrepressible joy for life that lifts the heart of everyone she encounters.Kerrigan's Mom has medical issues of her own, which combined with Kerrigan's need for care has prevented her from working. This leaves the family of four (including Kerrigan's older brother, Cameron) with only her Dad's income.It was during a very tough year, including financial hardship and many hospital stays, that Kerrigan's mom heard about Claire's Place Foundation and the Extended Hospital Stay grant program from their hospital Social Worker. When she wrote to us, she said that even if her family was unable to receive support, she felt that the foundation was "a wonderful blessing for families going through hard times."Fortunately, due to the generosity of Claire's Place Foundation supporters, we were able to say "yes" to Kerrigan's mom and help the family with much-needed emergency funding.Here's a big shout-out and a heart felt thank you to our amazing supporters who enabled us to lend a helping hand to Kerrigan, her brother, and her parents!
