Please Consider Making a Donation to Help These Families

Thank you so much for visiting our site!  We are busy raising funds to provide assistance and support to families like ours living with cystic fibrosis.  Our Extended Hospital Stay Grant Fund provides financial support to families who are experiencing a hospital stay of 14 consecutive days or longer.  Long hospital stays are quite common for "CFers" and something we refer to as a "tune up" in our community.  IV antibiotics, bronchoscopies and nutrition improvement are some of the things these tune ups include.  Behind the scenes, there are many single income families struggling to keep up with the incurred expenses and we aim to bridge the gap and allow them the peace of mind they need in order to stay at their child's bedside.We have been fortunate enough to assist many families in the past 4 years.  Here are just Extended-Hospital-Stay--online-sa few and the beautiful sentiments they have shared with us.It is only by enlisting supporters such as yourself that this is possible!DONATE HEREThank you so muchClaire Wineland, Founder