Meet Damien - See what your donations are doing for these families!

149Meet our most recent Extended Hospital Stay Grant Awardee: Damien, Age 11            His father writes:  "My Uncle had CF, he died around the age of twelve, so my family knows what it's like to lose someone to this disease. When my son was born and diagnosed, I was crushed. It's been a struggle. Through doctor visits, hospital stays, a divorce, to being a single father, struggling to get him to appointments and it costing me my job. It has been hard but we keep pushing forward and refuse to give up. Damien is a tough kid with a lot to deal with but still just wants to be a kid. We work so hard together as a family, his sister even helps with his treatments. In the end, we have money problems, we have disappointments but no matter what, we have our family. Family is everything. Thank you so much for helping our family to keep moving forward"
