Meet Barrett ~ Extended Hospital Stay Grant Recipient

Barrett was born in February, 2016 and has been fighting for life ever since.  His family came to us in desperate need of assistance as they too had been in the NICU for over a month, caring for him, watching as he gained ground, only to have a set back a few days later.  If you have ever been a parent in this difficult situation, you understand how stressful and consuming it can be.  Shauf BarettWe were thrilled to provide much needed assistance to Barrett's family so that they could continue to be by his side and cheer him on.We are happy to report that young Barrett is doing well, thanks to a loving family and an amazing team of physicians!" The Social Worker at our Children’s Hospital, referred us to Claire's Place Foundation.  They were so kind and paid our past due bills that we couldn’t afford to pay due to our extended hospital stay for our son in the NICU. This has taught me to always be humble and that everyone needs a little help sometimes. We could not be more grateful" ~Barrett's ParentsClaire's Place Foundation supporters ~ thank you for all you do to help actual families such as this one, your donations are hard at workClick here to support the Extended Hospital Stay Program