Meet Reid ~ Extended Hospital Stay Grant Recipient

Reid was referred to us by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's Compass Program, a personalized service to help "CFers" with the insurance, financial, legal and other issues they face dealing with cystic fibrosis, a lifelong, chronic illness.Reid came to us with a unique situation, requiring us to expand our reach to be able to provide her with much ReidSmithneeded assistance. Rather than one extended hospital stay, she was struggling with an exorbitant out of pocket medical bill resulting from years of hospitalizations due to cystic fibrosis.She wrote "I am a married 30 year old female with Cystic Fibrosis, working full time and supporting my own medical expenses. Through my job, I have health insurance; however, each year I meet the $6,1250 in out­of­pocket maximum. Over the years, these expenses have compounded, leaving me with over $12,000 in debt to (hospital name confidential) and a hefty monthly payment. With the help of the CF Foundation, I have negotiated a settlement sum with the hospital to eradicate this insurmountable debt so that I can move forward and investigate a new insurance plan that will relieve this monthly burden."A special meeting of our Board of Directors resulted in our decision to provide several thousand dollars towards Reid's hospital bill, making it easier for her to meet the initial lump sum payment agreement she had negotiated and move forward with a more realistic monthly payment plan.Reid sent us a beautiful quote to share with all of you that support our efforts in the hopes that you understand how incredibly helpful your generosity is to people in the CF Community."I wish to express my gratitude to Claire’s Place Foundation for assistance with out of pocket medical costs. Most adults strive to find the right work/life balance; as a working adult with CF, one must find a work/life/CF balance. Lengthy hospital stays and missed time at work combine with oftentimes untenable medical expenses. I am extremely grateful to Claire’s Place for helping relieve some of this stress by assisting with my medical bills and allowing me to seek the proper care. Yours is an extremely helpful and wonderful service to provide to the CF community."Reid, we wish you all the very best ~ you are an inspiration to others!As always, thank you for your support!  To make a donation to this program, please click here

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