A Team Effort to Help a Family in Need

Recently, our friends at The CF Foundation helped us connect with The Breathe Foundation, a similar organization that serves CF families living in the state of New Jersey.  A family had an enormous hospital co pay that was nearly impossible for them to catch up on having only one income, a family of 6 and a child with great medical needs.  We were thrilled to work together in getting this bill completely paid off with all of your generous donations.Elizabeth's mother writes in their application "Elizabeth had a 2 week hospital stay shortly after my husband was laid off, causing us great high_elizabeth-picstress as he is the sole wage earner for our family of six. We struggled to make the payments on our hospital bill but it was shortly turned over to collections.  Last year, my husband earned only enough for us to get by and continue to make our insurance payments.  The Compass Program at The CF Foundation put us in touch with you and The Breathe Foundation as avenues for support...we sincerely hope that between the two of you, we can get some assistance that will help us get back on our feet."We reached out directly to our new friends at The Breathe Foundation and came up with a plan of action.  In a few short days, the bill was paid in full and the family notified."The speed in which both foundations responded to our needs was so greatly appreciated.  We were just so relieved because we are also currently applying to colleges and the application fees alone are quite significant for us.  This grant has also made Elizabeth less stressed about all the costs associated with her illness and now college."Your donations are always hard at work here at Claire's Place Foundation.  Please consider supporting us during our year end campaign so that our programs will continue to make a difference in the lives of so many children living with cystic fibrosis and their families.Elizabeth ~  we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers and are sending you best wishes as you begin your college journey! 
