SAVE THE DATE ~ 3rd Annual Glow Ride for CF
We are so excited to announce our 3rd Annual Glow Ride for CF on September 23, 2017 in lovely Hermosa Beach, CA! Please be sure to SAVE THE DATE and join us for a great family event that supports our Extended Hospital Stay Grant Program.Aren't in the Los Angeles area? It's ok ~ you can still support this event from afar by making a donation or creating a team and setting a fundraising goal. We will have great prizes for the teams that reach their goal!
Visit our Crowdrise Page for all the details and to sign up or create a teamWe are currently seeking event sponsors ~ this is a fantastic way for you to create brand awareness as a charitable contributor in the South Bay and Los Angeles communities. We have many different sponsorship levels so be sure to let us know if you are interested. Deadline for sponsors is August 1, 2017 Glow Ride Hermosa Beach Sponsorship Brochure 2017
Let us know if you are interested in getting involved in a bigger way! We LOVE our volunteers and cannot make this happen without you ~ it's a great way to earn some community service hours for our young friends in high school or applying for college in the next year. Email