Meet Amara ~ Extended Hospital Stay Grant Recipient
Currently we have 2 individuals doing phenomenal fundraisers for Claire's Place Foundation. Doug Forsyth just completed his 31 day, 3800 mile bike ride across America and Riki Rachtman has just completed 10,000 miles on his motorcycle for #RikisRide17. We want to show you what their efforts have done for this family and many more over the last 2 months.Amara was referred to us by Boston Children's Hospital as having "severe Cystic Fibrosis" and being evaluated for lung transplant at the very young age of 6 years old. Cystic Fibrosis has many genetic mutations, some more difficult to manage than others and some patients have coexisting conditions that make it even more deadly.Amara has been hospitalized for over 3 months since January 2017, one of the stays included a very severe infection that ended up in her needing to be intubated. Luckily, she was strong enough to recover but it has resulted in both significant emotional and financial stress for her single income family who is struggling to stay with her and provide her with the support and love she needs.Due to the hard work of both Riki and Doug and all the people who sponsor and support their efforts, we were able to assist this family with back rent and associated late fees.Amara's mother writes: "As a parent of a child as sick as mine, it feels so refreshing to know that there are people who care. Any support goes a long way and my family and I are so grateful for this gesture. I pray that this organization is able to help other families in need as they have helped mine. Thank you beyond expression!"
Riki and Douglas, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Your efforts are herculean and are directly helping kids and families every day here at Claire's Place Foundation. BIG thank you to all the sponsors as well: Hermosa Cyclery, Identified Talent Solutions, Dixon Construction, DIAL Insights, Glastonbury Dental Associates, Lafayette-DuPont#19 Fan Page, MESH, Hot Leathers, LawTigers, DeathWish Coffee, RonzWorld Guitars and GFrames There is still time to donate to each fundraiser, let's show them some love ~Cycling America for CF Facebook Page (be sure to watch the video of Douglas crossing the finish line in NYC yesterday! To donate on his FB page, click "shop now")Rikis Ride 17 Website - You can follow him on social media by using the hashtag #RikisRide17