Meet Payton ~ Extended Hospital Stay Grant Recipient

Payton's family is committed to getting her the best care possible even though they reside in an area without an accredited CF Center.  "The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation funds and accredits care centers located at teaching and community hospitals across the country. These centers offer comprehensive, high-quality care. This elevated level of specialized care has led to longer, more productive lives for people living with CF."Living in Hawaii but having Payton's care managed at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital here in California put a huge financial strain on this family, as you can imagine.Traveling back and forth every 3 months for clinic visits and enduring 2 week stays for "tune ups" has been a nearly impossible task but one they are committed to to ensure she receives the best care possible.Claire's Place Foundation was happy to provide a grant for this family to cover their mortgage, a portion of their outstanding hospital bill and pharmacy bills so that they would have additional monies to cover the cost of airfare and travel related expenses that were becoming overwhelming.Payton's mother writes"Claire’s Place has helped lift some of the financial burden off of our shoulders during this stressful time.We can’t thank you all enough for this grant . Caring for our daughter is our number one job . At times the pressure to have enough cash to provide what she needs can be so hard . We are very thankful for this Foundation . Truly a blessing & so appreciated !! Bless you all !!!"Thank you one and all for your continued support of this important program.
