Our Glow Ride is now an Inner Glow Ride ~ Read more HERE
Hi everyone! So, this August 18th was going to be the date of our 4th Annual Glow Ride for CF in beautiful Hermosa Beach but we have had a huge change in plans. Our founder, Claire Wineland, has been listed for a life saving double lung transplant at UCSD and from what the doctors say, we could get the call at any minute.As a very small organization, we simply do not have the emotional and physical bandwidth to put this event together while we focus on our upcoming transplant. We hope you all understand ♥ We have made the hard decision to change our glow ride from an in person event to an on line fundraiser so that we don't leave the families that look to us for assistance "in the dark".The money we raise each year at our glow ride is a large piece of our yearly budget and Claire is committed to continuing her foundation, even in her absence. One fantastic thing to keep in mind is that 100% of any donation will go directly to our Extended Hospital Stay Fund since we will have 0 overhead in producing this event.
If you are inspired to support our Inner Glow Ride sponsored by Vertex Pharmaceuticals, please consider any one of these options:1. Create a team on the Crowdrise page HERE and encourage your friends and family to help you get your inner glow on for children and families living with cystic fibrosis by donating to your team. The team that raises the most money will win our prestigious "Milky Way Award" and will be announced on August 20, 2018. This award will include either a personalized video message from Claire that you can share on social media or the option of having her record your voice mail message on your cell phone. We will also include CLAIRITY Tshirts to your entire team.2. Donate as an individual to the Crowdrise page and help us reach our goal of $15,000. The individual that donates the most money will win our "Shining Star Award" and will also have the option of receiving a video from Claire or having her record your voice mail message on your phone, and a CLAIRITY Tshirt.3. Donate anonymously to the Crowdrise page but share our campaign far and wide. Sharing campaigns on your social media channels and via email with your friends and family has been proven to bring in 3x the donations. So, please share away!4. Make a donation to the Crowdrise page and "Get your inner glow on". Please send us a picture all lit up at night to be posted on our event page and social media channels. We would LOVE to see you participate from afar either as an individual or with your group. All pictures welcome :) Best group picture will be sent our custom CLAIRITY tshirts as a thank you gift for participating.ALL donations and pictures are due by August 18th and awards will be posted on August 20th :)So, as we prepare for Claire's big surgery and a new chance at life, we are envisioning her being able to ride in her glow ride next summer with a brand new set of lungs. How cool would that be? We would love for you to participate in person again next year to help us celebrate.We truly apologize for the last minute change in plans but being on the waitlist for lungs is so unpredictable. We look forward to seeing you all again next year! For those of you who already purchased a ticket, I will be reaching out to you privately with a few options.