5th Annual Glow Ride for CF


Calling all Claire’s Place Foundation Supporters!

GET ON YOUR BIKES AND RIDE, let’s keep the Claire’s Glow Going!

Please join us for our 5th annual Glow Ride for Cystic Fibrosis on September 7, 2019. You can join us locally in Hermosa Beach, CA or for the first time ever you can join virtually. As a virtual rider, we are asking that everyone who participates helps us raise just $40 to support our Extended Hospital Stay Grant Program.

How do you do that you ask? It's super easy! Follow the directions HERE and start your own virtual team today free of charge or register to join us in Hermosa Beach, CA. Each registered rider joining us in Hermosa Beach will receive a custom glow in the dark event tee with their $40 registration fee. And, each virtual team leader that raises just $40 will win a tee as a thank you gift - the tee's will be shipped the last week of August so be sure to get your page up NOW!

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