Meet Lincoln: A Recent Extended Hospital Stay Grant Recipient

Little Lincoln spent the first month of his life in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) which is quite common for some newborns diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Being a first child to a young couple, his parents wished to remain with him around the clock, not only comforting him but also learning everything they needed to know to be able to deal with this disease and all that goes along with it. This, of course, caused the family to fall behind financially with both parents having used all of their PTO as well as sick days.

The social worker at their hospital in Colorado referred them to Claire’s Place Foundation for an Extended Hospital Stay Grant and included the following:

“Patient has been hospitalized since birth with only 2 brief breaks. Both parents are under significant emotional and financial stress. Family was unable to utilize several resources due to patient being COVID 19 positive during his most recent stay which caused additional burden as parents were required to stay in a hotel rather than the housing provided for NICU parents. Father was in medical school when patient was born but has had to withdraw because the student loans were too much of a burden during this critical time. The family has support from extended family occasionally but have depleted their savings accounts. If Claire’s Place Foundation might consider them for financial assistance, we would be so grateful”

The grant we provided this family acted as a sort of bridge to help them during this difficult time and a way to make sure they were able to focus all of their love and attention on Lincoln rather than constantly worrying about how they would pay their bills which were piling up by the day. The power of even a helping hand has life changing and life affirming value to all involved.

We were so happy to step in and offer a friendly hand - thanks to our generous donors.

From Lincoln’s Parents

How, specifically, has Claire’s Place Foundation helped you and your family?

Claire’s Place was more than generous! They paid our rent so that we could keep our home and have somewhere to go once we discharged from the hospital. This relieved our stress and allowed us to pour all of our energy into our baby’s health and recovery.

Can you please provide a few sentences describing your situation and your feelings about receiving this grant?

This program provided the support and reassurance that a life with CF can be lived to the fullest! We are grateful for the support and want you to know how much it means to all of us as we begin this new journey. Thank you so much!