Meet Connor ~ Extended Hospital Stay Grant Recipient

Meet Connor, a vivacious pre teen living with cystic fibrosis.  Connor's family recently had a financial adjustment that caused them to lose their secondary insurance, something very important for families living with chronic illness.  Connor is currently battling a mycobacterium, a very resistant bacteria with properties that can wreak havoc on compromised immune systems and children with lung disease such as cystic fibrosis.  connor-jpgConnor's family was referred to us through their hospital social worker who wrote "Connor's extensive medical needs this year have caused a great financial hardship for the family.  His parents take turns staying with him during his treatments and I know how very important their presence is for his recovery and mental well being.  Any assistance you might provide for them would be greatly appreciated and well deserved."We were excited to provide an Extended Hospital Stay Grant to this family to cover their monthly utilities, gas and mortgage with the generous support of our lovely donors.  Please, keep up the great work and know that your donations are making a real difference for this family and many others."Thank you so very much for your help! I can't describe how much stress it took off my plate! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"  ~ Jamie, Connor's Momconnor-and-jamie  
