How can you help? Use your voice and get involved. Participate in walks and other events to support CF and share the facts on social media and elsewhere. There is a great foundation working to find a cure: the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as well as, a foundation that supports children and families living with CF: Claire’s Place Foundation. Get involved. Donate. Come to their events.
Claire’s Place Foundation, founded by Claire Wineland when she was just 14 years old, is a 501c3 non-profit organization designed to help children and families affected by cystic fibrosis. Claire and was born with CF. In her short life, Claire has undergone more than 20 surgeries and has spent months at a time in the hospital. She survived months in a coma on mechanical ventilation despite the odds and was also a Make-a-Wish recipient. She has 40% of ideal lung function and the doctors have estimated two years left to live. This is not, however, what characterizes or defines her. Claire has dedicated her life work to making a difference in the lives of others living with CF.
Now 20 years old, Claire’s Place Foundation is a way for Claire to give back with hope, strength, and joy. She wants to live with intention and purpose. In her own words, “I know my life will be shorter so every day has meaning.” She strives to find new ways to help the CF community and other children afflicted with chronic illness. Claire’s Place is making a huge impact through its two programs – The Extended Hospital Stay Fund and the Family Support Program. These programs are in high demand and the foundation needs your donations to continue assisting young patients in need. You can meet Claire and support her foundation at her next fundraiser, “Glow Ride,” in September in Hermosa Beach, CA.
To find others ways you can help bring awareness to CF find a local chapter near you. In May and through out the year, let’s share Claire’s story to help find a cure!